Harvard Arab Conference Gala: Honoring PCRF's Gaza Relief Efforts
Harvard Arab Conference Gala: Honoring PCRF's Gaza Relief Efforts

On Saturday, April 20th, the Arab Conference at Harvard organizers honored PCRF’s Gaza Medical and Humanitarian Relief efforts with a dedicated Gala Dinner. This event drew over 200 distinguished guests from around the world. We extend our gratitude to Dr. Mads Gilbert, a renowned Norwegian physician and human rights activist, and Dr. Imad Tamimi, our PCRF Medical Advisory Board President, both of whom have selflessly volunteered on multiple medical missions with PCRF.

Their powerful testimonies brought the harsh realities of Gaza to the forefront, inspiring support and advocacy for our children’s welfare. We also acknowledge the outstanding efforts of our PCRF - Boston Chapter in collaborating with the Arab Conference at Harvard team to showcase our work with grace and dedication.