How Prevalent Is Pediatric Cancer?

How Prevalent Is Pediatric Cancer?


Cancer is one of the most dangerous diseases in the world, with over 17 million new cases each year. In fact, it is the leading cause of death worldwide, accounting for over 10 million deaths annually. That equates to about 1 out of every 6 deaths—more than AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis combined.


The disease involves some cells within a particular area of the body growing uncontrollably and spreading to different parts of the body. Depending on when cancer is diagnosed, it can be treated and even cured. However, this varies depending on the particular individual, the type of cancer, the medical services available, and more.


While cancer affects people of all ages, pediatric cancer—commonly called childhood cancer—is especially worrisome since it affects children. Because children are still growing and developing, their bodies may be impacted by cancer even more significantly than adults. But how prevalent is pediatric cancer?


Pediatric Cancer Incidence Worldwide


Like all cancers, pediatric cancers are caused by genetic changes that result in cells growing uncontrollably in a certain part of the body. While there are steps that can be taken to reduce the risk of developing cancer, there is no way to completely prevent it.


Fortunately, childhood cancer is less prevalent than cancer in adults. It’s estimated that there are over 400,000 cases of pediatric cancer each year in children and adolescents between the ages of 0 and 19.


Additionally, pediatric cancer research is helping to advance our understanding of childhood cancer and catch it earlier, giving children a better chance to survive and recover from it. However, this also depends on certain medical services being available. In high-income countries where services are readily available, around 80% of children who develop cancer are cured. In comparison, less than 30% of children in low- and middle-income countries are cured of cancer.


These pediatric cancer statistics highlight the importance of comprehensive, accessible care in order to fight back against pediatric cancer. The Palestine Children’s Relief Fund (PCRF) continues to provide humanitarian aid to children and their families—some of whom are refugees fleeing their home countries—through our hospitals, pediatric medical programs, health initiatives, hospital infrastructure projects, orphan and refugee sponsorships, and medical missions. These efforts help to ensure that children in need get the vital assistance they require.


PCRF has a committee of volunteer pediatricians on our Medical Advisory Board who are dedicated to building up services through training, programs, and guiding PCRF to improve the quality of pediatric care in Palestine. We’ve also established the Dr. Musa And Suhaila Nasir Pediatric Cancer Department and the Huda Al Masri Pediatric Cancer Department to provide critical care for children with cancer in Palestine.


PCRF is not a political or religious organization. Our mission is to provide medical and humanitarian relief collectively and individually to Arab children throughout the Middle East, regardless of their nationality, politics, or religion. We rely on charitable giving to provide medical treatment, surgeries, safety, shelter, and support to children and their families in Palestine and the Levant. Find out how you can get involved and help make a difference in children’s lives today!